
chainladder facilitates practical reserving workflows.

import chainladder as cl
import numpy as np

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt'ggplot')
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina'


The :class:Pipeline class implements utilities to build a composite estimator, as a chain of transforms and estimators. Said differently, a Pipeline is a way to wrap multiple estimators into a single compact object. The Pipeline is borrowed from scikit-learn. As an example of compactness, we can simulate a set of triangles using bootstrap sampling, apply volume-weigted development, exponential tail curve fitting, and get the 95%-ile IBNR estimate.

pipe = cl.Pipeline(
    ('sample', cl.BootstrapODPSample(random_state=42)),
    ('dev', cl.Development(average='volume')),
    ('tail', cl.TailCurve('exponential')),
    ('model', cl.Chainladder())])'genins'))
Pipeline(steps=[('sample', BootstrapODPSample(random_state=42)),
                ('dev', Development()), ('tail', TailCurve()),
                ('model', Chainladder())])
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Each estimator contained within a pipelines steps can be accessed by name using the named_steps attribute of the Pipeline.


As mentioned in the Development section, a Pipeline coupled with groupby can really streamline you reserving analysis. Here we can develop IBNR for each company using LOB level development patterns. By delegating the groupby operation to the Development estimator in the Pipeline, we can fully specify the entire analysis as part of our hyperparameters. This achieves a clear separation of assumption setting from data manipulation.

clrd = cl.load_sample('clrd')['CumPaidLoss']

pipe = cl.Pipeline(
    ('dev', cl.Development(groupby='LOB')),
    ('tail', cl.TailCurve('exponential')),
    ('model', cl.Chainladder())]).fit(clrd)

Triangle Summary
Valuation: 2261-12
Grain: OYDY
Shape: (775, 1, 10, 1)
Index: [GRNAME, LOB]
Columns: [CumPaidLoss]


The :class:VotingChainladder ensemble method allows the actuary to vote between different underlying ibnr_ by way of a matrix of weights.

For example, the actuary may choose

  • the :class:Chainladder method for the first 4 origin periods,

  • the :class:BornhuetterFerguson method for the next 3 origin periods,

  • and the :class:CapeCod method for the final 3.

raa = cl.load_sample('RAA')
cl_ult = cl.Chainladder().fit(raa).ultimate_ # Chainladder Ultimate
apriori = cl_ult*0+(cl_ult.sum()/10) # Mean Chainladder Ultimate

bcl = cl.Chainladder()
bf = cl.BornhuetterFerguson()
cc = cl.CapeCod()

estimators = [('bcl', bcl), ('bf', bf), ('cc', cc)]
weights = np.array([[1, 0, 0]] * 4 + [[0, 1, 0]] * 3 + [[0, 0, 1]] * 3)
vot = cl.VotingChainladder(estimators=estimators, weights=weights), sample_weight=apriori)
1981 18,834
1982 16,858
1983 24,083
1984 28,703
1985 28,204
1986 19,840
1987 18,840
1988 23,107
1989 20,005
1990 21,606

Alternatively, the actuary may choose to combine all methods using weights. Omitting the weights parameter results in the average of all predictions assuming a weight of 1. Alternatively, a default weight can be enforced through the default_weight parameter.

raa = cl.load_sample('RAA')
cl_ult = cl.Chainladder().fit(raa).ultimate_ # Chainladder Ultimate
apriori = cl_ult * 0 + (float(cl_ult.sum()) / 10) # Mean Chainladder Ultimate

bcl = cl.Chainladder()
bf = cl.BornhuetterFerguson()
cc = cl.CapeCod()

estimators = [('bcl', bcl), ('bf', bf), ('cc', cc)]
vot = cl.VotingChainladder(estimators=estimators), sample_weight=apriori)
1981 18,834
1982 16,887
1983 24,042
1984 28,436
1985 28,467
1986 19,771
1987 18,548
1988 23,305
1989 18,530
1990 20,331

The weights can take the form of an array (as above), a dict, or a callable:

callable_weight = lambda origin : np.where(origin.year < 1985, (1, 0, 0), np.where(origin.year > 1987, (0, 0, 1), (0, 1, 0)))

dict_weight = {
    '1992': (0, 1, 0),
    '1993': (0, 1, 0),
    '1994': (0, 1, 0),
    '1995': (0, 0, 1),
    '1996': (0, 0, 1),
    '1997': (0, 0, 1),
}  # Unmapped origins will get `default_weight`


The grid search provided by :class:GridSearch exhaustively generates candidates from a grid of parameter values specified with the param_grid parameter. Like Pipeline, GridSearch borrows from its scikit-learn counterpart GridSearchCV.

Because reserving techniques are different from supervised machine learning, GridSearch does not try to pick optimal hyperparameters for you. It is more of a scenario-testing estimator.


The tryangle package takes the machine learning aspect a bit farther than chainladder and has built in scoring functions that make hyperparameter tuning in a reserving context possible.

GridSearch can be applied to all other estimators, including the Pipeline estimator. To use it, one must specify a param_grid as well as a scoring function which defines the estimator property(s) you wish to capture.

pipe = cl.Pipeline(
    steps=[('dev', cl.Development()),
           ('model', cl.Chainladder())])

grid = cl.GridSearch(
    param_grid={'dev__average' :['volume', 'simple', 'regression']},
    scoring=lambda x : x.named_steps.model.ibnr_.sum('origin'))'genins'))
ax = grid.results_.set_index('dev__average').rename(columns={'score': 'IBNR'}).plot(
    kind='bar', legend=False, xlabel='', rot=0, title='GridSearch Results')

    plt.FuncFormatter(lambda value, tick_number: "{:,}".format(float(value))));

A couple points on the example.

  1. The syntax for GridSearch is a near replica of scikit-learn’s GridsearchCV

  2. The param_grid is a dictionary of hyperparamter names and possible options you may want to use.

  3. Multiple different hyperparameters can be specified in a param_grid. Doing so will create a cartesian product of all possible assumptions.

  4. When using a Pipeline in a GridSearch it is entirely possible that the param_grid hyperparameter names used in different steps of a the Pipeline can clash. The notation to disambiguate the hyperparameters is to specify both the step and the hyperparameter name in this fashion: step__hyperparameter


All of this can be done with loops, but GridSearch provides a nice shorthand for accomplishing the same as well as parallelism when your CPU has multiple cores.

Your scoring function can be any property derived off of the fitted etimator. If capturing multiple properties is desired, multiple scoring functions can be created and stored in a dictionary.

Here we capture multiple properties of the TailBondy estimator using the GridSearch routine to test the sensitivity of the model to changing hyperparameters.

# Fit basic development to a triangle
tri = cl.load_sample('tail_sample')['paid']
dev = cl.Development(average='simple').fit_transform(tri)

# Return both the tail factor and the Bondy exponent in the scoring function
scoring = {
    'Tail Factor (tail_)': lambda x: x.tail_.values[0,0],
    'Bondy Exponent (b_)': lambda x : x.b_.values[0,0]}

# Vary the 'earliest_age' assumption in GridSearch
param_grid=dict(earliest_age=list(range(12, 120, 12)))
grid = cl.GridSearch(
earliest_age Tail Factor (tail_) Bondy Exponent (b_)
0 12 1.027763 0.624614
1 24 1.027983 0.625014
2 36 1.029856 0.629534
3 48 1.037931 0.651859
4 60 1.048890 0.683528
5 72 1.046617 0.674587
6 84 1.059931 0.714418
7 96 1.072279 0.746943
8 108 1.023925 0.500000

Using GridSearch for scenario testing is entirely optional. You can write your own looping mechanisms to achieve the same result. For example:


It is also possible to treat estimators themselves as hyperparameters. A GridSearch can search over Chainladder and CapeCod or any other estimator. To achieve this, you can take your param_grid dictionary and make it a list of dictionaries.

clrd = cl.load_sample('clrd')[['CumPaidLoss', 'EarnedPremDIR']].groupby('LOB').sum().loc['medmal']

grid = cl.GridSearch(
    estimator = cl.Pipeline(steps=[
        ('dev', None),
        ('model', None)]),
    param_grid = [
        {'dev': [cl.Development()],
         'dev__n_periods': [-1, 3, 7],
         'model': [cl.Chainladder()]},
        {'dev': [cl.Development()],
         'dev__n_periods': [-1, 3, 7],
         'model': [cl.CapeCod()],
         'model__decay': [0, .5, 1]}],
    scoring=lambda x : x.named_steps.model.ibnr_.sum('origin')

dev dev__n_periods model score model__decay
0 Development(n_periods=7) -1 Chainladder() 1.330331e+06 NaN
1 Development(n_periods=7) 3 Chainladder() 1.254405e+06 NaN
2 Development(n_periods=7) 7 Chainladder() 1.321097e+06 NaN
3 Development(n_periods=7) -1 CapeCod() 1.330331e+06 0.0
4 Development(n_periods=7) -1 CapeCod() 1.278456e+06 0.5
5 Development(n_periods=7) -1 CapeCod() 1.066857e+06 1.0
6 Development(n_periods=7) 3 CapeCod() 1.254405e+06 0.0
7 Development(n_periods=7) 3 CapeCod() 1.225866e+06 0.5
8 Development(n_periods=7) 3 CapeCod() 1.040709e+06 1.0
9 Development(n_periods=7) 7 CapeCod() 1.321097e+06 0.0
10 Development(n_periods=7) 7 CapeCod() 1.276399e+06 0.5
11 Development(n_periods=7) 7 CapeCod() 1.066171e+06 1.0

The workflow estimators are incredibly flexible for composing any compound reserving workflow into a single estimator. These succintly capture all “assumptions” and model definitions in one place.