
Basics and Commonalities#

Before stepping into fitting development patterns, its worth reviewing the basics of Estimators. The main modeling API implemented by chainladder follows that of the scikit-learn estimator. An estimator is any object that learns from data.

Scikit-Learn API#

The scikit-learn API is a common modeling interface that is used to construct and fit a countless variety of machine learning algorithms. The common interface allows for very quick swapping between models with minimal code changes. The chainladder package has adopted the interface to promote a standardized approach to fitting reserving models.

All estimator objects can optionally be configured with parameters to uniquely specify the model being built. This is done ahead of pushing any data through the model.

estimator = Estimator(param1=1, param2=2)

All estimator objects expose a fit method that takes a Triangle as input, X:

All estimators include a sample_weight option to the fit method to specify an exposure basis. If an exposure base is not applicable, then this argument is ignored., sample_weight=weight)

All estimators either transform the input Triangle or predict an outcome.


All transformers include a transform method. The method is used to transform a Triangle and it will always return a Triangle with added features based on the specifics of the transformer.

transformed_data = estimator.transform(data)

Other than final IBNR models, chainladder estimators are transformers. That is, they return your Triangle back to you with additional properties.

Transforming can be done at the time of fit.

# Fitting and Transforming
transformed_data = estimator.transform(data)
# One line equivalent
transformed_data = estimator.fit_transform(data)
assert isinstance(transformed_data, cl.Triangle)


All predictors include a predict method.

prediction = estimator.predict(new_data)

Predictors are intended to create new predictions. It is not uncommon to fit a model on a more aggregate view, say national level, of data and predict on a more granular triangle, state or provincial.

Parameter Types#

Estimator parameters: All the parameters of an estimator can be set when it is instantiated or by modifying the corresponding attribute. These parameters define how you’d like to fit an estimator and are chosen before the fitting process. These are often referred to as hyperparameters in the context of Machine Learning, and throughout these documents. Most of the hyperparameters of the chainladder package take on sensible defaults.

estimator = Estimator(param1=1, param2=2)
assert estimator.param1 == 1

Estimated parameters: When data is fitted with an estimator, parameters are estimated from the data at hand. All the estimated parameters are attributes of the estimator object ending by an underscore. The use of the underscore is a key API design style of scikit-learn that allows for the quicker recognition of fitted parameters vs hyperparameters:


In many cases the estimated parameters are themselves Triangles and can be manipulated using the same methods we learned about in the Triangle class.

import chainladder as cl
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt'ggplot')
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina'
dev = cl.Development().fit(cl.load_sample('ukmotor'))


All “Development Estimators” are transformers and reveal common a set of properties when they are fit.

  1. ldf_ represents the fitted age-to-age factors of the model.

  2. cdf_ represents the fitted age-to-ultimate factors of the model.

  3. All “Development estimators” implement the transform method.

cdf_ is nothing more than the cumulative representation of the ldf_ vectors.

dev = cl.Development().fit(cl.load_sample('raa'))
dev.ldf_.incr_to_cum() == dev.cdf_


Development allows for the selection of loss development patterns. Many of the typical averaging techniques are available in this class: simple, volume and regression through the origin. Additionally, Development includes patterns to allow for fine-tuned exclusion of link-ratios from the LDF calculation.

raa = cl.load_sample('raa')
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Alternatively, you can provide a list to parameterize each development period separately. When adjusting individual development periods the list must be the same length as your triangles link_ratio development axis.

Development(average=['volume', 'simple', 'simple', 'simple', 'simple', 'simple',
                     'simple', 'simple', 'simple'])
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This approach works for average, n_periods, drop_high and drop_low.

Notice where you have not specified a parameter, a sensible default is chosen for you.


When transforming a Triangle, you will receive a copy of the original triangle back along with the fitted properties of the Development estimator. Where the original Triangle contains all link ratios, the transformed version recognizes any ommissions you specify.

triangle = cl.load_sample('raa')
dev = cl.Development(drop=('1982', 12), drop_valuation='1988')
transformed_triangle = dev.fit_transform(triangle)
12-24 24-36 36-48 48-60 60-72 72-84 84-96 96-108 108-120
(All) 2.6625 1.5447 1.2975 1.1719 1.1134 1.0468 1.0294 1.0331 1.0092
  12-24 24-36 36-48 48-60 60-72 72-84 84-96 96-108 108-120
1981 1.6498 1.3190 1.0823 1.1469 1.1951 1.1130 1.0333 1.0092
1982 1.2593 1.9766 1.2921 1.1318 0.9934 1.0331
1983 2.6370 1.5428 1.1635 1.1607 1.1857 1.0264
1984 2.0433 1.3644 1.3489 1.1015 1.0377
1985 8.7592 1.6556 1.3999 1.0087
1986 4.2597 1.8157 1.2255
1987 7.2172 1.1250
1988 1.8874
1989 1.7220

By decoupling the fit and transform methods, we can apply our Development estimator to new data. This is a common pattern of the scikit-learn API. In this example we generate development patterns at an industry level and apply those patterns to individual companies.

clrd = cl.load_sample('clrd')
clrd = clrd[clrd['LOB']=='wkcomp']['CumPaidLoss']
# Summarize Triangle to industry level to estimate patterns
dev = cl.Development().fit(clrd.sum())
# Apply Industry patterns to individual companies
Triangle Summary
Valuation: 1997-12
Grain: OYDY
Shape: (132, 1, 10, 10)
Index: [GRNAME, LOB]
Columns: [CumPaidLoss]


Triangles have a groupby method that follows pandas syntax and this allows for aggregating triangle data to a more reasonable level for any particular analysis. However, it is often the desire of an actuary to estimate development factors at a more aggregate grain generally and then apply it to a more detailed triangle.

We can, for example, pick volume-weighted development patterns at a Line of Business level and subsequently apply them to each company within the line of business as follows:

clrd = cl.load_sample('clrd')['CumPaidLoss']
clrd = cl.Development(groupby='LOB').fit_transform(clrd)

clrd.shape, clrd.ldf_.shape
((775, 1, 10, 10), (6, 1, 1, 9))

Notice we’ve retained the grain of the original triangle, but there are six sets of development patterns, one for each line of business. Using this transformed triangle in an IBNR esimtator will result in IBNR at the original grain but using patterns at the Line of Business grain.

It is worth noting that fitting and transforming are entirely decoupled from one another, and we could achieve the same outcome by directly aggregating the Triangle before passing to the fit method.

clrd = cl.load_sample('clrd')['CumPaidLoss']
model = cl.Development().fit(clrd.groupby('LOB').sum())
clrd = model.transform(clrd)

clrd.shape, clrd.ldf_.shape
((775, 1, 10, 10), (6, 1, 1, 9))

This begs the question, why do we need a groupby hyperparameter as part of the Development estimator when we can aggregate the Triangle before fitting? In more advanced situations, we will be creating compound estimators called Pipelines which are very powerful for building custom workflows, but with the limitation that fitting and transforming have to be coupled together. You can explore this in more detail in the Pipeline section.


The DevelopmentConstant estimator simply allows you to hard code development patterns into a Development Estimator. A common example would be to include a set of industry development patterns in your workflow that are not directly estimated from any of your own data.

triangle = cl.load_sample('ukmotor')
patterns={12: 2, 24: 1.25, 36: 1.1, 48: 1.08, 60: 1.05, 72: 1.02}
cl.DevelopmentConstant(patterns=patterns, style='ldf').fit(triangle).ldf_
12-24 24-36 36-48 48-60 60-72 72-84
(All) 2.0000 1.2500 1.1000 1.0800 1.0500 1.0200

By wrapping patterns in the DevelopmentConstant estimator, we can integrate into a larger workflow with tail extrapolation and IBNR calculations.


DevelopmentConstant Callable

DevelopmentConstant Callable


The IncrementalAdditive method uses both the triangle of incremental losses and the exposure vector for each accident year as a base. Incremental additive ratios are computed by taking the ratio of incremental loss to the exposure (which has been adjusted for the measurable effect of inflation), for each accident year. This gives the amount of incremental loss in each year and at each age expressed as a percentage of exposure, which we then use to square the incremental triangle.

tri = cl.load_sample("ia_sample")
ia = cl.IncrementalAdditive().fit(
12 24 36 48 60 72
2000 1,001.00 854.00 568.00 565.00 347.00 148.00
2001 1,113.00 990.00 671.00 648.00 422.00 164.00
2002 1,265.00 1,168.00 800.00 744.00 482.00 195.00
2003 1,490.00 1,383.00 1,007.00 849.00 543.00 220.00
2004 1,725.00 1,536.00 1,068.00 984.00 629.00 255.00
2005 1,889.00 1,811.00 1,256.00 1,157.00 740.00 300.00

These incremental_ values are then used to determine an implied set of mutiplicative development patterns. Because incremental additive values are unique for each origin, so too will be the ldf_.

12-24 24-36 36-48 48-60 60-72
2000 1.8531 1.3062 1.2332 1.1161 1.0444
2001 1.8895 1.3191 1.2336 1.1233 1.0426
2002 1.9233 1.3288 1.2301 1.1212 1.0438
2003 1.9282 1.3505 1.2188 1.1148 1.0418
2004 1.8904 1.3276 1.2274 1.1184 1.0429
2005 1.9586 1.3395 1.2335 1.1210 1.0438

Incremental calculation#

The estimation of the incremental triangle can be done with varying hyperparameters of n_period and average similar to the Development estimator. Additionally, a trend in the origin period can also be selected.

Suppose there is a vector zeta_ that represents an estimate of the incremental losses, X for a development period as a percentage of some exposure or sample_weight. Using a ‘volume’ weighted estimate for all origin periods, we can manually estimate zeta_.

zeta_ = tri['loss'].cum_to_incr().sum('origin') / tri['exposure'].sum('origin')
12 24 36 48 60 72
2000 0.2432 0.2220 0.1540 0.1419 0.0907 0.0368

The zeta_ vector along with the sample_weight and optionally a trend are used to propagate incremental losses to the lower half of the Triangle. In the trivial case of no trend, we can estimate the incrementals for age 72.

zeta_.loc[..., 72] * tri['exposure'].latest_diagonal
2000 148.00
2001 163.85
2002 195.43
2003 220.11
2004 255.15
2005 299.97

These are the same incrementals that the IncrementalAdditive method produces.

zeta_.loc[..., 72]*tri['exposure'].latest_diagonal == ia.incremental_.loc[..., 72]


The MunichAdjustment is a bivariate adjustment to loss development factors. There is a fundamental correlation between the paid and the case incurred data of a triangle. The ratio of paid to incurred (P/I) has information that can be used to simultaneously adjust the basic development factor selections for the two separate triangles.

Depending on whether the momentary (P/I) ratio is below or above average, one should use an above-average or below-average paid development factor and/or a below-average or above-average incurred development factor. In doing so, the model replaces a set of development patterns that would be used for all origins with individualized development curves that reflect the unique levels of (P/I) per origin period.

BerquistSherman Comparison#

This method is similar to the BerquistSherman approach in that it tries to adjust for case reserve adequacy. However it is different in two distinct ways.

  1. The BerquistSherman method is a direct adjustment to the data whereas the MunichAdjustment keeps the Triangle intact and adjusts the development patterns.

  2. The MunichAdjustment is built in the context of a stochastic framework.


The MunichAdjustment uses the correlation between the residuals of the univariate (basic) model and the (P/I) model. These correlations spin off a property lambda_ which is represented by the line through the origin of the correlation plots.

With the correlations, lambda_ known, the basic development patterns can be adjusted based on the (P/I) ratio at any given cell of the Triangle.


[Quarg and Mack, 2004]


ClarkLDF estimates growth curves of the form ‘loglogistic’ or ‘weibull’ for the incremental loss development of a Triangle. These growth curves are monotonic increasing and are more relevant for paid data. While the model can be used for case incurred data, if there is too much “negative” development, other Estimators should be used.

The Loglogistic Growth Function:

$G(x|\omega, \theta) =\frac{x^{\omega }}{x^{\omega } + \theta^{\omega }}$

The Weibull Growth Function:

$G(x|\omega, \theta) =1-exp(-\left (\frac{x}{\theta} \right )^\omega)$

Parameterized growth curves can produce patterns for any age and can even be used to estimate a tail beyond the latest age in a Triangle. In general, the loglogistic growth curve produces a larger tail than the weibull growth curve.

LDF and Cape Cod methods#

Clark approaches curve fitting with two different methods, an LDF approach and a Cape Cod approach. The LDF approach only requires a loss triangle whereas the Cape Cod approach would also need a premium vector. Choosing between the two methods occurs at the time you fit the estimator. When a premium vector is included, the Cape Cod method is invoked.

A simple example of using ClarkLDF LDF Method. Upon fitting the Estimator, we obtain both omega_ and theta_.

clrd = cl.load_sample('clrd').groupby('LOB').sum()
dev = cl.ClarkLDF(growth='weibull').fit(clrd['CumPaidLoss'])
comauto 0.928929
medmal 1.569649
othliab 1.330082
ppauto 0.831529
prodliab 1.456171
wkcomp 0.898279

Perhaps more useful than the parameters is the growth curve G_ function they represent which can be used to deetermine the development factor at any age.

comauto     1.270899
medmal      1.707238
othliab     1.619168
ppauto      1.118801
prodliab    2.126153
wkcomp      1.311587
dtype: float64

Another example showing the usage of the ClarkLDF Cape Cod approach. With the Cape Cod, an Expected Loss Ratio is included as an extra feature in the elr_ property.

comauto 0.680325
medmal 0.701443
othliab 0.623806
ppauto 0.825932
prodliab 0.671024
wkcomp 0.697930


Clark’s model assumes Incremental losses are independent and identically distributed. To ensure compatibility with this assumption, he suggests reviewing the “Normalized Residuals” of the fitted incremental losses to ensure the assumption is not violated.


Using MLE to solve for the growth curves, we can produce statistics about the parameter and process uncertainty of our model.


ClarkLDF Residuals

ClarkLDF Residuals

ClarkLDF Growth Curves

ClarkLDF Residuals

[Clark, 2003]


The CaseOutstanding method is a deterministic method that estimates incremental payment patterns from prior lag carried case reserves. Included in this is also patterns for the carried case reserves based on the prior lag carried case reserve.

Like the MunichAdjustment and BerquistSherman, this estimator is useful when you want to incorporate information about case reserves into paid ultimates.

To use it, a triangle with both paid and incurred amounts must be available.

tri = cl.load_sample('usauto')
model = cl.CaseOutstanding(paid_to_incurred=('paid', 'incurred')).fit(tri)
=== in _set_ldf ===
=== ===
                12            24            36            48            60             72             84             96             108            120
1998  1.798098e+07  9.602188e+06  5.414189e+06  2.867316e+06  1.405073e+06  722000.560555  397562.100227  251150.266276  169222.000000   98117.000000
1999  1.968226e+07  1.051070e+07  5.926455e+06  3.138608e+06  1.538014e+06  790312.901593  435177.580406  274912.938466  185233.000000  107400.375016
2000  2.181513e+07  1.164970e+07  6.568678e+06  3.478725e+06  1.704682e+06  875955.506899  482335.790378  304704.000000  205305.855545  119038.863909
2001  1.904741e+07  1.017168e+07  5.735298e+06  3.037373e+06  1.488406e+06  764821.490526  421141.000000  266045.667404  179258.340423  103936.193801
2002  1.956232e+07  1.044665e+07  5.890341e+06  3.119483e+06  1.528642e+06  785497.000000  432525.754277  273237.711280  184104.252262  106745.913175
2003  2.091944e+07  1.117138e+07  6.298978e+06  3.335894e+06  1.634690e+06  839990.148108  462531.839581  292193.331822  196876.319229  114151.314922
2004  2.007969e+07  1.072294e+07  6.046125e+06  3.201985e+06  1.569070e+06  806271.365800  443964.942762  280464.142653  188973.333980  109569.066729
2005  2.039616e+07  1.089194e+07  6.141416e+06  3.252450e+06  1.593800e+06  818978.706486  450962.107761  284884.432846  191951.671841  111295.943707
2006  2.066376e+07  1.103484e+07  6.221991e+06  3.295122e+06  1.614710e+06  829723.593216  456878.667897  288622.076985  194470.051080  112756.131011
2007  2.162359e+07  1.154741e+07  6.511004e+06  3.448181e+06  1.689714e+06  868264.503103  478100.819120  302028.659070  203503.243309  117993.687132
=== self.paid ===
              12            24            36            48            60            72            84            96            108           120
1998  18539254.0  3.323104e+07  4.006201e+07  4.389204e+07  4.589654e+07  4.676542e+07  4.722132e+07  4.744688e+07  4.755546e+07  4.764419e+07
1999  20410193.0  3.609068e+07  4.325940e+07  4.715924e+07  4.920853e+07  5.016204e+07  5.062576e+07  5.087881e+07  5.100053e+07  5.109766e+07
2000  22120843.0  3.897601e+07  4.638928e+07  5.056238e+07  5.273528e+07  5.374010e+07  5.428433e+07  5.453322e+07  5.466649e+07  5.477415e+07
2001  22992259.0  4.009620e+07  4.776784e+07  5.209392e+07  5.436344e+07  5.537880e+07  5.587842e+07  5.611147e+07  5.622784e+07  5.632183e+07
2002  24092782.0  4.179531e+07  4.990380e+07  5.435288e+07  5.675438e+07  5.780722e+07  5.829581e+07  5.853516e+07  5.865467e+07  5.875120e+07
2003  24084451.0  4.139961e+07  4.907033e+07  5.358420e+07  5.593065e+07  5.697291e+07  5.749540e+07  5.775136e+07  5.787916e+07  5.798239e+07
2004  24369770.0  4.148986e+07  4.923668e+07  5.377467e+07  5.600590e+07  5.700632e+07  5.750783e+07  5.775352e+07  5.787618e+07  5.797527e+07
2005  25100697.0  4.270223e+07  5.064499e+07  5.499527e+07  5.726166e+07  5.827785e+07  5.878727e+07  5.903682e+07  5.916142e+07  5.926207e+07
2006  25608776.0  4.360650e+07  5.144103e+07  5.584838e+07  5.814450e+07  5.917403e+07  5.969013e+07  5.994296e+07  6.006919e+07  6.017116e+07
2007  27229969.0  4.545463e+07  5.365308e+07  5.826515e+07  6.066793e+07  6.174527e+07  6.228535e+07  6.254992e+07  6.268202e+07  6.278873e+07
=== set LDF return ===
             Triangle Summary
Valuation:           2261-12
Grain:                  OYDY
Shape:         (1, 2, 10, 9)
Index:               [Total]
Columns:    [incurred, paid]
24-36 36-48 48-60 60-72 72-84 84-96 96-108 108-120 120-132
(All) 0.8428 0.7100 0.7084 0.6968 0.6376 0.6220 0.5534 0.4374 0.5243

In the example above, the incremental paid losses during the period 12-24 is expected to be 84.28% of the outstanding case reserve at lag 12. The set of patterns produced by CaseOutstanding don’t follow the multiplicative approach commonly used in the various IBNR methods making them not directly usable. Because of this, the estimator determines the ‘implied’ multiplicative pattern so that a broader set of IBNR methods can be used. Due to the origin period specifics on case reserves, each origin gets its own set of multiplicative ldf_ patterns.

12-24 24-36 36-48 48-60 60-72 72-84 84-96 96-108 108-120
1998 1.7925 1.2056 1.0956 1.0457 1.0189 1.0097 1.0048 1.0023 1.0019
1999 1.7683 1.1986 1.0902 1.0435 1.0194 1.0092 1.0050 1.0024 1.0019
2000 1.7620 1.1902 1.0900 1.0430 1.0191 1.0101 1.0046 1.0024 1.0020
2001 1.7439 1.1913 1.0906 1.0436 1.0187 1.0090 1.0042 1.0021 1.0017
2002 1.7348 1.1940 1.0892 1.0442 1.0186 1.0085 1.0041 1.0020 1.0016
2003 1.7189 1.1853 1.0920 1.0438 1.0186 1.0092 1.0045 1.0022 1.0018
2004 1.7025 1.1867 1.0922 1.0415 1.0179 1.0088 1.0043 1.0021 1.0017
2005 1.7012 1.1860 1.0859 1.0412 1.0177 1.0087 1.0042 1.0021 1.0017
2006 1.7028 1.1797 1.0857 1.0411 1.0177 1.0087 1.0042 1.0021 1.0017
2007 1.6693 1.1804 1.0860 1.0412 1.0178 1.0087 1.0042 1.0021 1.0017

Incremental patterns#

The incremental patterns of the CaseOutstanding method are avilable as additional properties for review. They are the paid_to_prior_case_ and the case_to_prior_case_. These are useful to review when deciding on the appropriate hyperparameters for paid_n_periods and case_n_periods. Once you are satisfied with your hyperparameter tuning, you can see the fitted selections in the paid_ldf_ and case_ldf_ incremental patterns.

24-36 36-48 48-60 60-72 72-84 84-96 96-108 108-120 120-132
1998 0.5378 0.5541 0.5253 0.4981 0.5329 0.5380 0.5877 0.6970 0.5798
1999 0.5368 0.5649 0.5442 0.4969 0.5029 0.5800 0.6420 0.6506
2000 0.5461 0.5742 0.5391 0.4872 0.5376 0.5432 0.6655
2001 0.5406 0.5660 0.5148 0.5013 0.5077 0.5414
2002 0.5409 0.5546 0.5406 0.4802 0.4881
2003 0.5265 0.5765 0.5363 0.4764
2004 0.5298 0.5665 0.5069
2005 0.5215 0.5539
2006 0.5261
24-36 36-48 48-60 60-72 72-84 84-96 96-108 108-120 120-132
(All) 0.5340 0.5638 0.5296 0.4900 0.5139 0.5506 0.6317 0.6738 0.5798

[Friedland, 2010]


The TweedieGLM implements the GLM reserving structure discussed by Taylor and McGuire. A nice property of the GLM framework is that it is highly flexible in terms of including covariates that may be predictive of loss reserves while maintaining a close relationship to traditional methods. Additionally, the framework can be extended in a straightforward way to incorporate various approaches to measuring prediction errors. Behind the scenes, TweedieGLM is using scikit-learn’s TweedieRegressor estimator.

Long Format#

GLMs are fit to triangles in “Long Format”. That is, they are converted to pandas DataFrames behind the scenes. Each axis of the Triangle is included in the dataframe. The origin and development axes are in columns of the same name. You can inspect what your Triangle looks like in long format by calling to_frame with keepdims=True

GRNAME LOB origin development IncurLoss CumPaidLoss BulkLoss EarnedPremDIR EarnedPremCeded EarnedPremNet
0 Adriatic Ins Co othliab 1995-01-01 12 8.0 NaN 8.0 139.0 131.0 8.0
1 Adriatic Ins Co othliab 1995-01-01 24 11.0 NaN 4.0 139.0 131.0 8.0
2 Adriatic Ins Co othliab 1995-01-01 36 7.0 3.0 4.0 139.0 131.0 8.0
3 Adriatic Ins Co othliab 1996-01-01 12 40.0 NaN 40.0 410.0 359.0 51.0
4 Adriatic Ins Co othliab 1996-01-01 24 40.0 NaN 40.0 410.0 359.0 51.0


‘origin’, ‘development’, and ‘valuation’ are reserved keywords for the dataframe. Declaring columns with these names separately will result in error.

While you can inspect the Triangle in long format, you will not directly convert to long format yourself. The TweedieGLM does this for you. Additionally, the origin of the design matrix is restated in years from the earliest origin period. That is, is if the earliest origin is ‘1995-01-01’ then it gets replaced with 0. Consequently, ‘1996-04-01’ would be replaced with 1.25. This is done because datetimes have limited support in scikit-learn. Finally, the TweedieGLM will automatically convert the response to an incremental basis.

R-style formulas#

We use the patsy library to allow formulation of the the feature set X of the GLM. Because X is a parameter that used extensively throughout chainladder, the TweedieGLM refers to it as the design_matrix. Those familiar with the R programming language will be familiar with the notation used by patsy. For example, we can include both origin and development as terms in a model.

genins = cl.load_sample('genins')
glm = cl.TweedieGLM(design_matrix='development + origin').fit(genins)
Intercept 13.516322
development -0.006251
origin 0.033863

ODP Chainladder#

Replicating the results of the volume weighted chainladder development patterns can be done by fitting a Poisson-log GLM to incremental paids. To do this, we can specify the power and link of the estimator as well as the design_matrix. The volume-weighted chainladder method can be replicated by including both origin and development as categorical features.

dev = cl.TweedieGLM(
    design_matrix='C(development) + C(origin)',
    power=1, link='log').fit(genins)

A trivial comparison against the traditional Development estimator shows a comparable set of ldf_ patterns.

Parsimonious modeling#

Having full access to all axes of the Triangle along with the powerful formulation of patsy allows for substantial customization of the model fit. For example, we can include ‘LOB’ interactions with piecewise linear coefficients to reduce model complexity.

clrd = cl.load_sample('clrd')['CumPaidLoss'].groupby('LOB').sum()
clrd=clrd[clrd['LOB'].isin(['ppauto', 'comauto'])]
dev = cl.TweedieGLM(
    design_matrix='LOB+LOB:C(np.minimum(development, 36))+LOB:development+LOB:origin',
Intercept 12.550094
LOB[T.ppauto] 3.202525
LOB[comauto]:C(np.minimum(development, 36))[T.24] 0.578636
LOB[ppauto]:C(np.minimum(development, 36))[T.24] 0.449818
LOB[comauto]:C(np.minimum(development, 36))[T.36] 0.790583
LOB[ppauto]:C(np.minimum(development, 36))[T.36] 0.321155
LOB[comauto]:development -0.044631
LOB[ppauto]:development -0.054813
LOB[comauto]:origin 0.054570
LOB[ppauto]:origin 0.057791

This model is limited to 10 coefficients across two lines of business. The basic chainladder model is known to be overparameterized with at least 18 parameters requiring estimation. Despite drastically simplifying the model, the cdf_ patterns of the GLM are within 1% of the traditional chainladder for every lag and for both lines of business:

((dev.cdf_.iloc[..., 0, :] / 
  cl.Development().fit(clrd).cdf_) - 1
development 12-Ult 24-Ult 36-Ult 48-Ult 60-Ult 72-Ult 84-Ult 96-Ult 108-Ult
comauto 0.002 0.003 -0.01 0.003 0.011 0.008 0.005 -0.000 -0.002
ppauto 0.006 0.003 -0.00 0.001 0.002 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001

Like every other Development estimator, the TweedieGLM produces a set of ldf_ patterns and can be used in a larger workflow with tail extrapolation and reserve estimation.

TweedieGLM Basics

TweedieGLM Basics

[Taylor and G., 2016]


DevelopmentML is a general development estimator that works as an interface to scikit-learn compliant machine learning (ML) estimators. The TweedieGLM is a special case of DevelopmentML with the ML algorithm limited to scikit-learn’s TweedieRegressor estimator.

The Interface#

ML algorithms are designed to be fit against tabular data like a pandas DataFrame or a 2D numpy array. A Triangle does not meet the definition and so DevelopmentML is provided to incorporate ML into a broader reserving workflow. This includes:

  1. Automatic conversion of Triangle to a dataframe for fitting

  2. Flexibility in expressing any preprocessing as part of a scikit-learn Pipeline

  3. Predictions through the terminal development age of a Triangle to fill in the lower half

  4. Predictions converted to ldf_ patterns so that the results of the estimator are compliant with the rest of chainladder, like tail selection and IBNR modeling.


Data from any axis of a Triangle is available to be used in the DevelopmentML estimator. For example, we can use many of the scikit-learn components to generate development patterns from both the time axes as well as the index of the Triangle.

from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder
from sklearn.compose import ColumnTransformer

clrd = cl.load_sample('clrd').groupby('LOB').sum()['CumPaidLoss']

# Decide how to preprocess the X (ML) dataset using sklearn
design_matrix = ColumnTransformer(transformers=[
    ('dummy', OneHotEncoder(drop='first'), ['LOB', 'development']),
    ('passthrough', 'passthrough', ['origin'])

# Wrap preprocessing and model in a larger sklearn Pipeline
estimator_ml = Pipeline(steps=[
    ('design_matrix', design_matrix),
    ('model', RandomForestRegressor())

# Fitting DevelopmentML fits the underlying ML model and gives access to ldf_
cl.DevelopmentML(estimator_ml=estimator_ml, y_ml='CumPaidLoss').fit(clrd).ldf_
Triangle Summary
Valuation: 2261-12
Grain: OYDY
Shape: (6, 1, 10, 9)
Index: [LOB]
Columns: [CumPaidLoss]


The time-series nature of loss development naturally lends to an urge for autoregressive features. That is, features that are based on predictions, albeit on a lagged basis. DevelopmentML includes an autoregressive parameter that can be used to express the response as a lagged feature as well.


When using autoregressive features, you must also declare it as a column in your estimator_ml Pipeline.


While the sklearn preprocessing API is powerful, it can be tedious work with in some instances. In particular, modeling complex interactions is much easier to do with Patsy. The chainladder package includes a custom sklearn estimator to gain access to the patsy API. This is done through the PatsyFormula estimator.

estimator_ml = Pipeline(steps=[
    ('design_matrix', cl.PatsyFormula('LOB:C(origin)+LOB:C(development)+development')),
    ('model', RandomForestRegressor())
    y_ml='CumPaidLoss').fit(clrd).ldf_.iloc[0, 0, 0].round(2)
12-24 24-36 36-48 48-60 60-72 72-84 84-96 96-108 108-120
(All) 2.6100 1.4100 1.1900 1.1000 1.0400 1.0200 1.0100 1.0100 1.0100


PatsyFormula is not an estimator designed to work with triangles. It is an sklearn transformer designed to work with pandas DataFrames allowing it to work directly in an sklearn Pipeline.


The BarnettZehnwirth estimator solves for development patterns using the Probabilistic Trend Family (PTF) regression framework. Unlike the ELRF framework, which assumes no valuation covariate, the PTF framework allows for this.


Structurally, the PTF regression is different from the ELRF (ELRF) regression framework in two distinct ways:

  1. Where the ELRF fits independent regressions to each adjacent development lag, the PTF regression is fit to the entire triangle

  2. Where the ELRF is fit to cumulative amounts, the PTF is fit to the log of the incremental amounts of the Triangle.


The PTF framework is an ordinary least squares (OLS) model with the response, y being the log of the incremental amounts of a Triangle. These are assumed to be normally distributed which implies the incrementals themselves are log-normal distributed.

The framework includes coefficients for origin periods (alpha), development periods (gamma) and calendar period (iota).

$y(i, j) = \alpha {i} + \sum{k=1}^{j}\gamma {k}+ \sum{\iota =1}^{i+j}\gamma _{\iota}+ \varepsilon _{i,j}$

These coefficients can be categorical or continuous, and to support a wide range of model forms, patsy formulas are used.

abc = cl.load_sample('abc')

# Discrete origin, development, valuation
Intercept C(origin)[T.1.0] C(origin)[T.2.0] C(origin)[T.3.0] C(origin)[T.4.0] C(origin)[T.5.0] C(origin)[T.6.0] C(origin)[T.7.0] C(origin)[T.8.0] C(origin)[T.9.0] ... C(development)[T.24] C(development)[T.36] C(development)[T.48] C(development)[T.60] C(development)[T.72] C(development)[T.84] C(development)[T.96] C(development)[T.108] C(development)[T.120] C(development)[T.132]
coef_ 11.836863 0.178824 0.345112 0.378133 0.405093 0.427041 0.431076 0.660383 0.963223 1.1568 ... 0.251091 -0.055824 -0.448589 -0.828917 -1.16913 -1.507561 -1.798345 -2.0231 -2.238333 -2.427672

1 rows × 21 columns

# Linear coefficients for origin, development, and valuation
Intercept origin development valuation
coef_ 8.359157 4.215981 0.319288 -4.116569

The PTF framework is particularly useful when there is calendar period inflation influences on loss development.

PTF Residuals

PTF Residuals

[Barnett and Zehnwirth, 2000]