Making Predictions

Making Predictions#

import chainladder as cl

This example demonstrates how you can create development patterns at a particular index grain and apply them to another.

clrd = cl.load_sample('clrd')['CumPaidLoss']
clrd = clrd[clrd['LOB'] == 'wkcomp']

industry = clrd.sum()

allstate_industry_cl = cl.Chainladder().fit(industry).predict(clrd.loc['Allstate Ins Co Grp']).ultimate_
allstate_company_cl = cl.Chainladder().fit(clrd.loc['Allstate Ins Co Grp']).ultimate_

diff = (allstate_industry_cl - allstate_company_cl)

output = diff.rename('development',['Industry to Company LDF Diff'])
Industry to Company LDF Diff
1989 -203
1990 -4,401
1991 -5,781
1992 -6,286
1993 -4,793
1994 -6,653
1995 -8,327
1996 -7,170
1997 -273