Triangle Slicing

Triangle Slicing#

import chainladder as cl

This example demonstrates the familiarity of the pandas API applied to a :class:Triangle instance.

# Load data
clrd = cl.load_sample('clrd')

# pandas-style Aggregations
clrd = clrd.groupby('LOB').sum()
Triangle Summary
Valuation: 1997-12
Grain: OYDY
Shape: (6, 6, 10, 10)
Index: [LOB]
Columns: [IncurLoss, CumPaidLoss, BulkLoss, EarnedPremDIR, EarnedPremCeded, EarnedPremNet]
# pandas-style value/column slicing
clrd = clrd['CumPaidLoss']
# pandas loc-style index slicing
clrd = clrd.loc['medmal']
12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120
1988 5,934 47,258 95,054 131,616 165,117 181,937 198,395 206,068 213,374 217,239
1989 9,433 51,855 98,976 149,169 175,588 197,590 211,242 217,986 222,707
1990 11,996 54,742 118,964 163,695 190,391 213,972 225,199 235,717
1991 9,517 73,420 146,347 199,262 244,987 260,333 275,923
1992 12,479 78,212 157,400 209,959 244,018 267,007
1993 18,229 90,710 166,325 227,891 276,235
1994 14,952 94,303 186,577 252,449
1995 17,995 110,181 209,222
1996 20,390 107,474
1997 20,361
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt'ggplot')
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina'

# Plot
ax = clrd.link_ratio.T.plot(
    title='Medical Malpractice Link Ratios',
    ylabel='Link Ratio', xlabel='Accident Year');