


class chainladder.Development(n_periods=-1, average='volume', sigma_interpolation='log-linear', drop=None, drop_high=None, drop_low=None, preserve=1, drop_valuation=None, drop_above=inf, drop_below=0.0, fillna=None, groupby=None)#

A Transformer that allows for basic loss development pattern selection.

n_periods: integer, optional (default = -1)

number of origin periods to be used in the ldf average calculation. For all origin periods, set n_periods = -1

average: string or float, optional (default = ‘volume’)

type of averaging to use for ldf average calculation. Options include ‘volume’, ‘simple’, and ‘regression’. If numeric values are supplied, then (2-average) in the style of Zehnwirth & Barnett is used for the exponent of the regression weights.

sigma_interpolation: string optional (default = ‘log-linear’)

Options include ‘log-linear’ and ‘mack’

drop: tuple or list of tuples

Drops specific origin/development combination(s)

drop_high: bool, int, list of bools, or list of ints (default = None)

Drops highest (by rank) link ratio(s) from LDF calculation If a boolean variable is passed, drop_high is set to 1, dropping only the highest value Note that drop_high is performed after consideration of n_periods (if used)

drop_low: bool, int, list of bools, or list of ints (default = None)

Drops lowest (by rank) link ratio(s) from LDF calculation If a boolean variable is passed, drop_low is set to 1, dropping only the lowest value Note that drop_low is performed after consideration of n_periods (if used)

drop_above: float or list of floats (default = numpy.inf)

Drops all link ratio(s) above the given parameter from the LDF calculation

drop_below: float or list of floats (default = 0.00)

Drops all link ratio(s) below the given parameter from the LDF calculation

preserve: int (default = 1)

The minimum number of link ratio(s) required for LDF calculation

drop_valuation: str or list of str (default = None)

Drops specific valuation periods. str must be date convertible.

fillna: float, (default = None)

Used to fill in zero or nan values of an triangle with some non-zero amount. When an link-ratio has zero as its denominator, it is automatically excluded from the ldf_ calculation. For the specific case of ‘volume’ averaging in a deterministic method, this may be reasonable. For all other averages and stochastic methods, this assumption should be avoided.


An option to group levels of the triangle index together for the purposes of estimating patterns. If omitted, each level of the triangle index will receive its own patterns.

ldf_: Triangle

The estimated loss development patterns

cdf_: Triangle

The estimated cumulative development patterns

sigma_: Triangle

Sigma of the ldf regression

std_err_: Triangle

Std_err of the ldf regression

std_residuals_: Triangle

A Triangle representing the weighted standardized residuals of the estimator as described in Barnett and Zehnwirth.


fit(X[, y, sample_weight])

Fit the model with X.

fit_transform(X[, y])

Fit to data, then transform it.


Get metadata routing of this object.


Get parameters for this estimator.

set_backend(backend[, inplace, deep])

Converts triangle array_backend.

set_fit_request(*[, sample_weight])

Request metadata passed to the fit method.

set_output(*[, transform])

Set output container.


Set the parameters of this estimator.


Serializes triangle object to json format

to_pickle(path[, protocol])

Serializes triangle object to pickle.


If X and self are of different shapes, align self to X, else return self.
