Clark Growth Curves

Clark Growth Curves#

import chainladder as cl
import numpy as np

This example demonstrates one of the attributes of the :class:ClarkLDF. We can use the growth curve G_ to estimate the percent of ultimate at any given age.

# Grab Industry triangles
clrd = cl.load_sample('clrd').groupby('LOB').sum()

# Fit Clark Cape Cod method
model = cl.ClarkLDF(growth='loglogistic').fit(

# sample ages
ages = np.linspace(1, 300, 30)

# Plot results
results = model.G_(ages).T
Hide code cell source
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt'ggplot')
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina'

ax = results.plot(
    title='Loglogistic Growth Curves',
    xlabel='Age', ylabel='% of Ultimate');