Triangle Creation Basics

Triangle Creation Basics#

import chainladder as cl
import pandas as pd

This example demonstrates the typical way you’d ingest data into a Triangle. Data in tabular form in a pandas DataFrame is required. At a minimum, columns specifying origin and development, and a value must be present. Note, you can include more than one column as a list as well as any number of indices for creating triangle subgroups.

In this example, we create a triangle object with triangles for each company in the CAS Loss Reserve Database for Workers’ Compensation.

# Read in the data
data = pd.read_csv(r'')

# Output
GRCODE GRNAME AccidentYear DevelopmentYear DevelopmentLag IncurLoss CumPaidLoss BulkLoss EarnedPremDIR EarnedPremCeded EarnedPremNet Single PostedReserve97 LOB
0 86 Allstate Ins Co Grp 1988 1988 1 367404 70571 127737 400699 5957 394742 0 281872 wkcomp
1 86 Allstate Ins Co Grp 1988 1989 2 362988 155905 60173 400699 5957 394742 0 281872 wkcomp
2 86 Allstate Ins Co Grp 1988 1990 3 347288 220744 27763 400699 5957 394742 0 281872 wkcomp
3 86 Allstate Ins Co Grp 1988 1991 4 330648 251595 15280 400699 5957 394742 0 281872 wkcomp
4 86 Allstate Ins Co Grp 1988 1992 5 354690 274156 27689 400699 5957 394742 0 281872 wkcomp
# Create a triangle
triangle = cl.Triangle(
    data, origin='AccidentYear', development='DevelopmentYear',
    index=['GRNAME'], columns=['IncurLoss','CumPaidLoss','EarnedPremDIR'])

/home/docs/checkouts/ UserWarning: 
            The cumulative property of your triangle is not set. This may result in
            undesirable behavior. In a future release this will result in an error.
Triangle Summary
Valuation: 1997-12
Grain: OYDY
Shape: (376, 3, 10, 10)
Index: [GRNAME]
Columns: [IncurLoss, CumPaidLoss, EarnedPremDIR]
12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120
1988 3,577,780 7,059,966 8,826,151 9,862,687 10,474,698 10,814,576 10,994,014 11,091,363 11,171,590 11,203,949
1989 4,090,680 7,964,702 9,937,520 11,098,588 11,766,488 12,118,790 12,311,629 12,434,826 12,492,899
1990 4,578,442 8,808,486 10,985,347 12,229,001 12,878,545 13,238,667 13,452,993 13,559,557
1991 4,648,756 8,961,755 11,154,244 12,409,592 13,092,037 13,447,481 13,642,414
1992 5,139,142 9,757,699 12,027,983 13,289,485 13,992,821 14,347,271
1993 5,653,379 10,599,423 12,953,812 14,292,516 15,005,138
1994 6,246,447 11,394,960 13,845,764 15,249,326
1995 6,473,843 11,612,151 14,010,098
1996 6,591,599 11,473,912
1997 6,451,896
Hide code cell source
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt'ggplot')
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina'

# Plot data
ax = triangle['CumPaidLoss'].sum().T.plot(
    marker='.', grid=True,
    title='CAS Loss Reserve Database: Workers Compensation',
    xlabel='Development Period', ylabel='Cumulative Paid Loss');